PiSCSI housing for my THT version of PiSCSI (RaSCSI)

RaSCSI tht housing with vent holes (Inside view)

Now in stock : PiSCSI Housing for building a external SCSI emulator based on a Pi After i sold a few kits and assembled external PiSCSI (RaSCSI) sets, i started to think that it would be neater (and safer) if the Raspberri Pi and the PiSCSI tht wouldn’t be out…

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Amiga : RASCSI , SCSI emulator, an inexpensive SCSI2SD alternative

RASCSI THT version assembled for Internal Use

RASCSI, an affordable SCSI emulator based on a Raspberry Pi A solution has been available for a long time for replacing old SCSI hard disks that no longer function. I am referring here to SCSI2SD , which is an interface that has been around for quite a few years and…

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