Flashfloppy Firmware Update : New Stable version, Flashfloppy v3.43 has been released !

Flashfloppy Firmware Upgrade

Flashfloppy Firmware Updates The latest stable release of the FlashFloppy firmware has been updated. The most recent version of the Flashfloppy firmware can be downloaded here . You can easily update your Flashfloppy firmware to the latest version, here you will find the explanation how to do that. FlashFloppy Release 3.43 Apple2: Read/write HFE…

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Shop : NMS VG-8235 MSX Gotek with 0.96 Oled, Buzzer and Rotary Encoder

NMS VG-8235 MSX Gotek with 0.96 Oled, Buzzer and Rotary Encoder

Price Description 62,50 Euro An NMS-VG8235 MSX Gotek with 0.96 Oled Display, Buzzer and Rotary Encoder, this comes as a built-in model with a special raised front (41 mm) for mounting in an NMS8235 machine. The assembly is quite simple and fits exactly in the 3.5 inch opening of the…

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Shop : NMS VG-8235 MSX Gotek met 0.91 Oled en Rotary Encoder

Prijs Omschrijving 60,00 Euro Een NMS-VG8235 MSX Gotek met 0.91 Oled en Rotary Encoder, deze Gotek Floppydrive Emulator wordt geleverd als inbouw model met een speciaal verhoogd front (41 mm) voor interne montage in een NMS8235 machine . De montage is vrij eenvoudig en past precies in de 3,5 inch…

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