Tag: Amiga
Absolute Beginners : You want to add a Gotek to your Amiga (Introduction)
Absolute Beginners : Amiga IDE FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Shop: AMiDi Amiga Midi interface
Shop : 5.25 Gotek with 0.96 Oled display, Buzzer, and Rotary Encoder
Gotek-retro is temporarily out of order
Amiga : Empty Prepped 256MB CF card image for my IDE interface now available !
Amiga : Serial and parallel dongles for Amiga Test Kit and DiagROM
Flashfloppy Firmware Update : New Stable version, Flashfloppy v3.42 has been released !
Flashfloppy Firmware Updates The latest stable release of the FlashFloppy firmware has been updated. The most recent version of the Flashfloppy firmware can be downloaded here . You can easily update your Flashfloppy firmware to the latest version, here you will find the explanation how to do that. FlashFloppy Release 3.42 HFEv3: Various read/write…
Absolute Beginners : You want to add a Gotek to your Amiga (Introduction)
Absolute Beginners : Amiga IDE FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Shop: AMiDi Amiga Midi interface
Shop : 5.25 Gotek with 0.96 Oled display, Buzzer, and Rotary Encoder
Gotek-retro is temporarily out of order
Amiga : Empty Prepped 256MB CF card image for my IDE interface now available !
Amiga : Serial and parallel dongles for Amiga Test Kit and DiagROM
Flashfloppy Firmware Update : New Stable version, Flashfloppy v3.42 has been released !
Flashfloppy Firmware Updates The latest stable release of the FlashFloppy firmware has been updated. The most recent version of the Flashfloppy firmware can be downloaded here . You can easily update your Flashfloppy firmware to the latest version, here you will find the explanation how to do that. FlashFloppy Release 3.42 HFEv3: Various read/write…