Gotek-retro is temporarily out of order Due to a motorcycle accident, i am not able to build stuff for the upcoming month(s) , hoping my hand will heal properly in time. Shipping of stuff that i have in stock will start once i am able to pack the materials and…
Empty Prepped 256MB CF card image : introduction From time to time i notice that people order a IDE interface without the accompanying CF Kit. That is okay with me , and i’ll try to explain that setting up (Prepping) a IDE device on a non autoconfig interface is a…
Serial and parallel dongles for Amiga Test Kit and DiagROM I recently received a request if, in addition to the Commodore 64 test harness, I could also supply the dongles for the Amiga Test Kit. The dongles for the Amiga Test Kit (can also be used with Chucky’s DiagROM) consist…