Shop : Amiga 500 / 500+ IDE Interface 44pin (68000 Socket)

Amiga 500 / 500+ IDE Interface 44pin (68000 Socket)

Price Description 27,50 Euro Amiga 500 / 500+ IDE Interface 44pin (68000 Socket) with vertical (standing) 44 pin connector 47,50 Euro Amiga 500 / 500+ IDE Interface 44pin kit, with directly attached IDE-2-CF adapter and pre-installed 256MB CF card Amiga 500 / 500+ IDE Interface 44pin (68000 Socket) This is…

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Shop: AMiDi Amiga Midi interface

AMiDi Amiga Midi interface

Price Description 30,00 Euro AMiDi, the Amiga Midi Interface, with Midi In, Midi Out and Midi Thru ports. AMiDi, the Amiga Midi interface, introduction Unlike the Atari, the Amiga does not have standard Midi connections, a missed opportunity as it turned out. One of the things where Atari had a…

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Absolute Beginners : KickstartSwitch (Part 2) Installation

Amiga Low Profile Kickstart Switch

Great, you’ve seen part 1 of the KickstartSwitch story, and are now wondering what it takes to actually build  a Kickstartswitch into your Amiga 500 / 600 / 2000. Note 1: This description is based on an Amiga 500, the Amiga 600 and 2000 are functionally similar, differences are in the way…

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Shop: ForFour, The Amiga 4 player joystick adapter

ForFour, the Amiga 4 player joystick adapter

Price Description 14,00 Euro ForFour, the Amiga 4 player joystick adapter allows you to play compatible games with 4 players simultaneously. ForFour, The Amiga 4 player joystick adapter : introduction There are a number of games released for the Commodore Amiga that can be played with more than 2 players…

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Absolute Beginners : Amiga IDE Interface further Functionality tests

Contents of the DVD-ROM Connected to the Amiga 500 IDE Interface

Amiga IDE interface functionality Further explored The weather has been so bad the past few days that I finally had the time to put the IDE interface to the test and to test the extensive possibilities myself. Of course the interface already worked fine in the basic setup, but theoretically…

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