Shop : Amiga 500 / 500+ IDE Interface 44pin (68000 Socket)

Amiga 500 / 500+ IDE Interface 44pin (68000 Socket)

Price Description 27,50 Euro Amiga 500 / 500+ IDE Interface 44pin (68000 Socket) with vertical (standing) 44 pin connector 47,50 Euro Amiga 500 / 500+ IDE Interface 44pin kit, with directly attached IDE-2-CF adapter and pre-installed 256MB CF card Amiga 500 / 500+ IDE Interface 44pin (68000 Socket) This is…

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Shop : 44 Pin IDE cable F / F (Various lengths)

44Pin IDE Cable F / F

Price Description 4,00 Euro 44 PIN IDE cable, 5 CM with Crimp connectors (Female / Female) 7,00 Euro As above , 20 CM length 8,00 Euro As above , 30 CM length 9,00 Euro As above , 40 CM length Good quality 44 PIN IDE Cables (Blue / Gray Color) These are…

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