Shop : Amiga 2000 Gotek internal with 0.96 Oled, Buzzer and Rotary Encoder

Price Description
62,50 Euro Amiga 2000 Gotek internal with 0.96 Oled, buzzer and Rotary Encoder for the A2000. The mounting is quite simple and fits exactly in a 3.5 inch opening of the Amiga 2000

Version : Oled 0.96″ display, Buzzer and Rotary Encoder
Color : Beige

Amiga 2000 Gotek internal with 0.96 Oled, Buzzer and Rotary Encoder (Close Up Display)

Amiga 2000 Gotek internal with 0.96 Oled, Buzzer and Rotary Encoder (Close Up Display backside)
Amiga 2000 Gotek internal with 0.96 Oled, Buzzer and Rotary Encoder

In addition to a larger display, the Amiga 2000 Gotek with 0.96 Oled display also offers space for 4 lines of information instead of 2 lines with the 0.91 Oled display.
You also have the option of using 3 lines, of which 1 line can be shown at double size, for when you are getting a bit older and chickener like me 🙂
A bracket specially designed and 3D printed by me ensures that the gotek can be placed on the free spot, or the spot of the original disk drive can be confirmed.
Oled Display and Rotary encoder are installed without the use of glue, and can be easily replaced should this ever be necessary.

Amiga 2000 Gotek internal with 0.96 Oled, Buzzer and Rotary Encoder for the A2000

The color of the Gotek is beige, but it matches the top of the Amiga 2000 more than the front, so the color does not match the front, but it is a color that matches the rest of the Amiga 2000.
design the housing is made in such a way that all extensions can be easily mounted and disassembled, so no blobs of glue, drilling holes or other frills.

The drives are equipped with the latest Flashfloppy firmware, are fully tested and immediately ready for use.

This drive is also available with a 0.91 Oled Display

Amiga 2000 Gotek internal with 0.96 Oled, Buzzer and Rotary Encoder (Top view)
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Amiga 2000 Gotek internal with 0.96 Oled, Buzzer and Rotary Encoder
Average rating:  
 1 reviews
 by King Marqy
Great product!

Bought one last year with oled, rotary etc. Works like a charm. support is great from Ed. Really recommending this to look at all the demo;s and games released for the Amiga. Color is great too, matching my Amiga 2000.

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