Shop : Eprom Adapter 2 x 32KB

Price :

7.50 euro

Description :

Shop : Eprom Adapter 2 x 32KB , use 2 banks of 32KB in your old hardware.

2x32KB bank switching adapter

Eprom Adapter 2 x 32KB :

A lot of old equipment still uses  Eproms  to accommodate a driver or operating system, for example.
For many of those retro equipment, improved or alternative versions of those firmwares or drivers have often been released, which may or may not offer more or different functionality.
Unfortunately, it's not really easy to have 2 versions of a ROM in one system, for example.
From now on that becomes a little easier with this adapter, which makes it possible to replace a 27C256 (32KB) Eprom with a 27C512 (64KB) which is then split into 2 banks of 32KB.
Those 2 banks therefore provide space for, for example, the original firmware and an alternative version next to each other.
Switching between those 2 banks is done by means of a jumper, or if you want to switch regularly, this can also be done by means of a switch.

Eprom Adapter 2 x 32KB Applications:

For many systems that depended on EPROMs to access data, this kind of adapter would be the answer.
Some applications :

Samplers  and drum machines, instead of 1 bank of sounds per ROM you can now store 2x32KB banks in the same place.
Commodore C128 , the  option rom  is 32 KB, with this adapter you have 2x32KB banks.
Controllers, many scsi / ide controllers have a 27C256 as Bios , with this adapter you can house 2 rom versions.
And recently the Automotive application has also been added, chip tuning with an Eprom.

Anyway, there are just too many applications to list them all here.

Eprom adapter for 2x32KB banken

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