Retro Computer Support
I started in the early 80s with the Commodore 64, later I also added Commodore Amiga.
I had more or less experience with other systems (Apple / Mac, Atari, MSX) at the time.
In the 1980s I was very active within the region in (the board of) various computer clubs.
after the real craze I started collecting (now called retro) old computers, both consoles and 8/16 bitters.
Everything I could find went home. 🙂
That resulted in a very wide range from the very first Pong TV devices to the PlayStation 3, that's where I left off.
The current generations of game consoles offer me little challenge anymore, because I have little to do with games, but I have always been more interested in the hardware aspect (extensions, modifications, repairs).
The newer generations of (game) computers offer less and less in that area, where we have now reached the point where an upgrade means as much as throw away the old one and buy a new one.🙁
Now 30 years later, it appears that a lot of the hardware that I have collected over the years, things are missing or no longer work (disks, cassettes, drives, memory).
Given my love for technology and electronics, I decided to see for myself what I could build missing and broken extensions.
The scope of what I needed became broader and broader and today I have been able to design and / or build add-ons or components myself for quite a few systems.
I notice that people are increasingly finding me, I am not only selling my surplus (everything I build, I basically build for myself, but often I have to buy 5-10 PCBs and then there is some left over).
I help people with their retro-related problems, often there is a considerable exchange of mail beforehand to identify the problem and possibly come up with a solution, often that works, but of course not always.
My experience mainly concerns Commodore 64 / Amiga, but I also have a general and broad knowledge of retro equipment.
It gives me satisfaction to see that there is a large group of Retro enthusiasts, returners who rediscover their childhood love, but also novice enthusiasts who have never had such a great piece of nostalgia before.
Would you like to see, hear, but above all feel a bit of nostalgia?
Take a look at the Homecomputer Museum in Helmond, , where you can indulge yourself as a (novice) retro lover.