How to : Updating FlashFloppy Firmware
Once you have a full version of Flashfloppy on your Gotek Drive, Updating FlashFloppy Firmware can be done from that moment on via an USB stick.
Take a FAT32 formatted USB stick
Remove any existing old *.upd files from the root of the USB stick.
Copy the *.upd file from the zip file of the latest stable release to the root of the USB stick. (If you want to go to the most recent (experimental) release , you can of course also use the UPD File from that zip file)
Plug the USB stick into the Gotek Drive and turn on the system, simultaneously holding down both buttons on the front the Gotek Floppydrive Emulator wil start updating FlashFloppy Firmware via USB.
If went well you will end up in the bootloader, and the message 'UPD' or in case you have an OLED or LCD display 'FF Update Flash' will appear on the display.
Now release both keys, the update will now start automatically.
The firmware you have placed on the USB stick will now be programmed into the Gotek drive and then the Gotek will be reset so that the new firmware is activated.
Errors during the update appear on the display:
E01 No update file found on the USB Stick
E02 More than one update file found on the USB Stick.
E03 Update file is corrupt (Incorrect signature / size)
E04 Update file is corrupt (Incorrect CRC)
E05 Flash programming error
Fxx FatFS error (presumably USB stick or filesystem)