Shop : Gotek 34 to 26 pin interface for Yamaha SY77 / SY99

Gotek 34 to 26 pin interface for Yamaha SY77 / SY99

Price : 12,50 euros 8,00 Euro   Description : Gotek 34 to 26 pin interface for Yamaha SY77 / SY99 which need a 26 pins floppy Interface for placing a Gotek. 35cm floppykabel 26 pin om het gotek interface aan te kunnen sluiten aan de Yamaha SY77 / SY99. Application…

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Shop : T48 Eprom Adapter for 27C400 / C800 / C160 / C322 Eproms

Xgecu T48 Eprom Adapter

Price Description Unavailable Complete assembled T48 Eprom Adapter, including a 48 pin ZIF Socket with binary encoder. 20,00 Euro Complete assembled T48 Eprom Adapter, including a 48 pin ZIF Socket with 3/4 dipswitches. This T48 Eprom Adapter supports Eproms of the following type : 27C322 (4Mx8-bit), 27C160 (2Mx8-bit), 27C800 (1Mx8-bit)…

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Misc : Xgecu T48 Eprom Adapter for 27C400 / C800 / C160 / C322 Eproms (Fully Assembled)

Xgecu T48 Eprom Adapter

Xgecu T48 Eprom Adapter for 27C400/800/160/322 It concerns the completely finished adapter including 48 pin ZIF Socket, not just the PCB The eprom programming adapter will support 27C322 (4Mx8-bit), 27C160 (2Mx8-bit), 27C800 (1Mx8-bit) 27C400 (512kx8-bit). This adapter converts the mask- (E)EPROM pinouts of the above parts to the JEDEC pinout…

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