Price : 6.00 Euro Beschrijving : Shop : Motorola 68000 Processor (DIL) The Motorola 68000 CPU This CPU comes in various forms, the version quoted here is one in DIL package, for use in Commodore Amiga, Atari and Mac, among others.
Price : 1.25 euro Description : Shop : Commodore 64 DIN 8pin Plug (S-Video out), warning : This is not the Horseshoe model ! Commodore 64 DIN 8pin Plug (S-Video out) : The 8pin DIN Plug was used by Commodore for the later generations of Commodore 64, this connector contains…
Price : 1.25 euro Description : Shop : Commodore 64 5pin DIN Plug (Video out) , Amiga 2000 Keyboard Commodore 64 DIN 5pin Plug (Video Out) : The Commodore 64 DIN 5pin Plug was used by Commodore for the first generations of Commodore 64 to make a composite video cable…
Price : 1.25 euro Beschrijving : Shop : Commodore 64 7pin DIN Plug (Power supply) Commodore 64 DIN 7pin Plug (Power supply): This 7 Pin plug is used by Commodore for the Commodore 64 to connect the power supply to the Commodore 64. You can use this plug if you want to…
Price : 3.00 euro Beschrijving : Shop : Commodore 64 User port 24Pin Edge Connector Commodore 64 User port 24Pin Edge Connector : This Commodore 64 Edge Connector is for the Tape Port of the Commodore 64, it has a different spacing than the most common Edge connectors, namely 3.96mm pitch…
Price : 4,00 euro 4,50 euro 5 euro 6 euro Description : 40 Pin IDE cable F / F (Various lengths) 10 CM with Crimp connectors (Female / Female) 15 CM with Crimp connectors (Female / Female) 20 CM with Crimp connectors (Female /…
Price Description 4,00 Euro 44 PIN IDE cable, 5 CM with Crimp connectors (Female / Female) 7,00 Euro As above , 20 CM length 8,00 Euro As above , 30 CM length 9,00 Euro As above , 40 CM length Good quality 44 PIN IDE Cables (Blue / Gray Color) These are…
Price : 1.25 euros Description : Shop : Commodore 64 DIN 6 Pin Plug (Diskdrive Serial Connection) Commodore 64 DIN 6pin Plug (Serial, Disk Drive): This 6 Pin plug is used by Commodore for the Commodore C64 / C128 to control the Diskdrive via a serial protocol . (For example, for SpeedDos, in…
Price : 4.50 euro Description : Shop : Amiga 86 Pin Edge Connector for the expansion Port (Angled version) Amiga 86 pin Edge connector Angled : This connector is special for the Amiga 500 / 500+ and is used for expansions that slide onto the expansion port on the left side of…
Price : 3.00 euros Description : Shop : Commodore 64 Tape poort 12Pin Edge Connector Commodore 64 Edge Connector (Tape Port) : This Commodore 64 Edge Connector is for the Tape Port of the Commodore 64, it has a different spacing than the most common Edge connectors, namely 3.96mm pitch instead of…