Shop : Gotek 24 pin interface for Korg X2, X3, X3R

24 pin interface for Korg connected to a Gotek Drive

Price Description 21 Euro Gotek 24 pin interface for Korg X2, X3, X3R synthesizers. Gotek 24 pin interface for Korg X2, X3 and X3R : This is a Gotek 34 to 24 pin for the Korg synthesizers of the type X2 , X3 and X3R to be able to use…

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Shop : Gotek 34 to 26 pin interface for Yamaha SY77 / SY99

Gotek 34 to 26 pin interface for Yamaha SY77 / SY99

Price : 12,50 euros 8,00 Euro   Description : Gotek 34 to 26 pin interface for Yamaha SY77 / SY99 which need a 26 pins floppy Interface for placing a Gotek. 35cm floppykabel 26 pin om het gotek interface aan te kunnen sluiten aan de Yamaha SY77 / SY99. Application…

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Shop: AMiDi Amiga Midi interface

AMiDi Amiga Midi interface

Price Description 30,00 Euro AMiDi, the Amiga Midi Interface, with Midi In, Midi Out and Midi Thru ports. AMiDi, the Amiga Midi interface, introduction Unlike the Atari, the Amiga does not have standard Midi connections, a missed opportunity as it turned out. One of the things where Atari had a…

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PiSCSI housing for my THT version of PiSCSI (RaSCSI)

RaSCSI tht housing with vent holes (Inside view)

Now in stock : PiSCSI Housing for building a external SCSI emulator based on a Pi After i sold a few kits and assembled external PiSCSI (RaSCSI) sets, i started to think that it would be neater (and safer) if the Raspberri Pi and the PiSCSI tht wouldn’t be out…

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Amiga : RASCSI , SCSI emulator, an inexpensive SCSI2SD alternative

RASCSI THT version assembled for Internal Use

RASCSI, an affordable SCSI emulator based on a Raspberry Pi A solution has been available for a long time for replacing old SCSI hard disks that no longer function. I am referring here to SCSI2SD , which is an interface that has been around for quite a few years and…

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Synth : Yamaha

Gotek support [Yamaha] [Sequential] [Kurzweil] [Korg] [Kawai] [GEM] [Ensonic] [Akai] [E-mu] [Casio] [Roland]

Yamaha Deze lijst van Yamaha Synths waarvan bevestigd is dat ze werken met een Gotek Floppydrive Emulator  is niet compleet. Staat jouw model Yamaha synthesizer er (nog) niet bij, dan wil dat nog niet altijd zeggen dat hij niet samen met een Gotek Floppydrive werkt !!   Yamaha A5000 no…

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