Shop : C64 TapeCart_SD

Price Description
30,00 Euro TapeCart_SD for the Commodore 64 (SD card based tape port cartridge)
10,00 Euro SD card filled with more than 25.000 PRG files for the Tapecart

TapeCart_SD for the Commodore 64 including a tailor made housing

TapeCart_SD for the Commodore 64

The TapeCart_SD :

The TapeCart for the Commodore 64 allows you to play games from an SD card.
Unlike most cartridges, the plug is inserted into the Cassette port of the Commodore 64.

Starting  the boot menu is done by pressing [shift] + [Run/Stop] , this loads the 'Browser' program of the TapeCart with which you can browse the contents of the SD card and select files.

Once you have found the file you want to play, an enter is enough to start the selected program.

Only *.prg and *.tcrt are supported by TapeCart_SD

Note : only plug in and out of the TapeCart SD with Commodore 64 switched off
Note : Do not remove the SD card during Read / Write Actions !!!

The TapeCart SD supports the following file types :

*.PRG Commodore 64 Program files, these are actually always programs that consist of 1 part.
*.TCRT Images from the TapeCart DIY 2 MB version, these images can be loaded.

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TapeCart for the C64
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 2 reviews
 by Dimitri

Awesome service, nice guy and a great product. Loads faster than my 1541. I am a happy camper...

 by Evert
Perfect tapecard sd

Its simply wonderful !
Easy install and fast, thanks

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