Shop : C64 Open Kernal Cartridge

Price Description
10,00 Euro Open Kernal Cartridge for the Commodore 64 (Without Kernal ROMs)
20,00 Euro Open Kernal Cartridge for the Commodore 64 (With 8 Kernal ROMs)

C64 Open Kernal Cartridge

The C64 Open Kernal Cartridge :

This interface allows you to use a number of different Kernals on your commodore 64.
This is useful for eg testing purposes and or having diversity in operating systems at hand.
The biggest advantage is that your commodore 64 does not have to be opened to work with this cartridge (*1)…

(*1)  In order for the open kernal cartridge to be a complete replacement for the internal kernal, it is necessary to connect 1 wire from the processor in your C64. This is not necessary for testing, but you do want to achieve 100% compatibility.
Without this thread the kernal will be loaded on the cartridge NEXT to your existing kernal instead of OVER the existing one, in other words, without that extra thread you will miss 8KB of RAM.

Based on a 27C512 (64 KB) eprom, the Open Kernal Cartridge offers space for 8 Kernals of 8KB for the Commodore 64.

For example, you can think of various Kernals with integrated disk or tape speeders, but also Kernals with added / changed functionality or with a different color scheme.

The selection between the different kernals is done using a maximum of 3 jumpers / switches depending on which version you have.

Different eprom versions that can be used for the 2364 Eprom Adapter :

27C128 (16 KB) : This holds 2 8 KB Kernals and is switched with 1 switch / jumper.
27C256 (32 KB): This holds 4 8 KB Kernals and is switched with 2 switches/jumpers.
27C512 (64 KB): This holds 8 8 KB Kernals and is switched with 3 switches/jumpers.

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