Shop : C64 Final Cartridge III+

Price Description
22,50 Euro Final Cartridge III (Replica) standard version ( 64KB) for the C64 [with a housing]
25,00 Euro Final Cartridge III+ (Replica) extended version (256KB) for the C64 [with a housing]

Final Cartridge III+ (Replica)

Final Cartridge III+ menu

Final Cartridge III+ for the Commodore 64 in 2 flavours:

After having tested a first prototype, I am extremely satisfied with the functionality, and have therefore built a number of these Final Cartridge III Replicas, and added them to the collection.

The cartridges are known as The FCIII+, and are available in two PCB colors (Red and Blue)
and in two versions (with a 64 KB or 512KB ROM).

The V2.0 menus of the FCIII+ replicas are more extensive than the original FCIII menu.

Activating the Final cartridge III+:
    • Give the Command  Desktop  from the Prompt
    • Turn on the C64 and press  RUN/STOP
    • Reset the C64 and press  RUN/STOP 

Deactivating the Final Cartridge III+:
      • Give the command  Kill  at the prompt
      • Issue the command  SYS64738  at the prompt
      • From the Freezer Menu, select  Final Kill
Overview of the Final Cartridge III+ function keys in BASIC :


  • F1  Execute of the BASIC-command LIST
  • F2  Calls the built in Assembler Monitor (MONITOR)
  • F3  Execute the BASIC command RUN
  • F4  Restore a BASIC program after a NEW or software reset (OLD)
  • F5  Load program from disc (DLOAD)
  • F6  Save program to disc (DSAVE)
  • F7  Show disc directory without loss of the program (DOS"$)
  • F8  Send Disc command (DOS)
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Final Cartidge III+
Average rating:  
 2 reviews
 by Joost Patist
Een Rode / A Red One

I have an original FCIII from 1987 at home. I also bought a modern one once. Both were black.
I gave the second one to a friend with a C64 as a gift and so I felt the need to order a new one myself.
Super organized via and very happy with my new FCIII, which is red for a change, which for me rather triggers the link with a PowerCartridge 🙂
Both are original Dutch products and great to see that the FCIII is still being created and improved.
It was already a genius device at the time and the new one is even more practical.

Absolute must have for every C64 fan.

Translated review from the Dutch Website :Ik heb thuis een originele FCIII uit 1987. Daarnaast ooit al eens een moderne gekocht. Beide waren zwart. Die 2e heb ik aan een vriend met een C64 cadeau gedaan en zodoende had ik zelf toch de behoefte weer een nieuwe te bestellen. Super geregeld via en heel blij met mijn nieuwe FCIII die voor de verandering dus rood is, wat bij mij eerder de link met een PowerCartridge triggert 🙂 Beide zijn overigens originele Nederlandse producten en te gek om te zien dat de FCIII nog steeds gemaakt en verbeterd wordt. Was destijds al een geniaal apparaat en de nieuwe is zo mogelijk nog praktischer. Absolute must have voor elke C64 fan.

 by Michel
ultimate cartridge III

Good and friendly, thoughtful service!
Neatly packaged and delivered.

I will also contact you for my Amiga stuff in the future Ed.

Translated review from the Dutch Website :Goede en vriendelijke, meedenkende service!Netjes verpakt en afgeleverd.Ik zal ook voor mijn Amiga spullen in de toekomst bij je aankloppen Ed.

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