Shop : Cartridge Best of Atari 8Bit Classics, Vol. 1, 2 & 3

Price Description
15,00 Euro Cartridge Best of Atari 8Bit Classics, Vol. 1, 2 or 3 [Single volume]
40,00 Euro Cartridge Best of Atari 8Bit Classics, Vol. 1, 2 and 3 [Set of all 3 volumes]

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Cartridge Best of Atari 8Bit Classics, Vol. 1, 2 & 3

Cartridge Best of Atari 8Bit Classics, Vol. 1, 2 & 3

Cartridge Best of Atari 8Bit Classics, Vol. 1, 2 & 3.

I had them for a while but had little sense and time to really dive into them.
the Atari 8bit classics is a collection of the real  old skool 8 bit games .
and contains 48 of the best 8/16 KB Cartridge games spread over 3 volumes.
All in all a very nice collection of childhood sentiment and memories.

Of course there are also SIO adapters and SD card solutions, but those are more cumbersome to operate if you just want to play a game now and then.
Here's selecting which game you want to play and as long as you don't change the setting the game will be right in front of you when you turn on or reset your Atari 8bit machine.
Selection of the 16 banks is done by 4 switches, and must be done when the machine is off.

8bit Classics Volume 1

8bit Classics Volume 2

8bit Classics Volume 3

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Best of Atari 8Bit Classics (Cartridge)
Average rating:  
 2 reviews
 by Jan
Very convincing and makes fun

I bought the 8bit Classics version with 64 games on one cartridge and I am completely satisfied.
The delivery came fast and without any problems.
There was a case included with 6 accessible switches with which one you can choose the game. Then just switch on the ATARI and the game is immediately loaded.
All games worked great.
Thanks a lot

 by Gentil
Perfect !

I'm very happy from my purchases.
It was fast delivered and everything works as you could imagine.

Low Price and Nice.

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