Shop : Atari ST-2-Mega Keyboard Adapter

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12,00 Euro Atari ST-2-Mega Keyboard Adapter , for connecting an Atari ST keyboard to your Atari Mega

Atari ST-2-Mega Keyboard Adapter

Atari ST-2-Mega Keyboard Adapter connected

Atari ST-2-Mega Keyboard Adapter :

With this adapter you can easily replace a missing or broken keyboard of your Atari Mega computer.
The keyboard of an Atari ST and an Atari Mega are mostly the same, except for one thing.
There's a init circuit missing on the ST keyboard since it is in the ST itsself.
When the Mega starts it would trigger an init , which the ST keyboard not supports.
This interface thakes care of that, it waits for the initialisation and then it is ready for usage.

It supports all functionality, that the real Atari mega keyboard provides.

Atari ST-2-Mega Keyboard Adapter test screen

Atari ST-2-Mega Keyboard Adapter

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Atari ST-2-Mega Keyboard Adapter
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 1 reviews
 by Markus (Emwee)
Perfect solution!

I got this adapter to replace a missing Mega ST keyboard by using a ATARI ST Keyboard.

The adapter is working perfekt, it's just "plug and play" - connect it to your ST-keyboard, connect it to the cable of the Mega ST and thats all... nothing else to do!

I am really happy with this adapter!

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