Shop : Atari Eiffel interface for connecting a PS/2 mouse and Keyboard to your Mega

Price Description
30,00 Euro Atari Eiffel interface for connecting a PS/2 mouse and Keyboard to your Atari computer
Comes with a Curled Cable

Eiffel interface with a  PS/2 mouse and Keyboard connected to an Atari Mega

Atari Eiffel interface for PS/2 mouse and Keyboard

Atari Eiffel interface for connecting a PS/2 mouse and Keyboard :

Right after the ST-2-Mega adapter was designed i started investigating the Eiffel project a little further.
I stumbled upon this earlier but had no real use for it.
Now that i had purchased a keyboardless Mega , i needed a solution for using a mouse and a keyboard for that machine.
Since i already designed and use PS/2 keyboard and PS/2 mouse adapters on my Amiga 500 and 2000 it was more convenient to have a PS/2 connection then a ST keyboard adapter.
Therefore i started reading up this wonderful creation called Eiffel  interface.
Based on a PIC16f876 microcontroller this interface reads scancodes from the PS/2 devices and translates them to codes that the Atari ST can understand.
Standard functionality without a driver , scrollwheel support available with the use of a driver.

Atari Eiffel interface some History :

The project EIFFEL (EIFF for Favard and EL for Laurent) was born.

EIFFEL is a free design for connecting a PS/2 keyboard and mouse to the Atari family of computers.
It is a free, GPL-like hardware project and you are free to build and use it yourself.

The project originates somewehere in 2001 and it's main goal is to connect a PS/2 keyboard and mouse to Atari computers.

You can read a very detailed history in the Atari Alive magazine found here


Atari Eiffel interface for PS/2 mouse and Keyboard

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Atari Eiffel PS/2 interface
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 1 reviews
 by Paavo Milan
Eiffel interface

The Eiffel interface has nice design and it is easy to plug in. It works perfectly on my Atari Mega STe, swedish TOS 2.05.
Gotek service was friendly and fast. I'm very satisfield.

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