Amiga 2000 Internal IDE Interface options

Amiga 2000 Internal IDE Interface installed
Suppose you want to install an Amiga 2000 Internal IDE Interface in your A2000, what are the possibilities?

I spent a lot of time designing and determining the best footprint for a IDE interface for your Amiga 2000.
reason for this is that there are several revisions of the Amiga 2000, all with their own layout, in the end that led to up to 1 multi-usable Amiga 2000 Internal IDE Interface:
The options are described below, check carefully what the conditions are to be able to implement the line of choice in your Amiga 2000.

Option 1 :

Amiga 2000 Internal IDE Interface with a Vertical connector with a directly attached upright IDE-2-CF, adapter is the easiest option to implement, just plug in and you're good to go.
No hiding cables, milling holes or pulling wires, just remove the 68000, Amiga 2000 Internal IDE Interface in the 68000 socket and the 68000 on top of that (See note 1)
In the Amiga 2000 it fits easily under the iron bay where the drives are located, the CF- 2-IDE and the CF card are free, along that same iron drive bay (See Note 2)

Close-up Amiga 2000 Internal IDE Interface with CF card

Remarks :

1 ]   Replacing the 68000 is not necessary if you order an IDE interface on which the 68000 is already mounted.

2 ]   On some models there is a header just next to the 68000, which prevents the IDE interface from being pushed into the 68000 socket, this header can be bent a little to the left so that it just sticks past the IDE interface. (As far as I've been able to find this is a debug interface that was only used at the time of production.

3 ]   If you'd rather not have to hassle with replacing the 68000 in the IDE interface, you can also purchase an IDE interface with a soldered 68000.

4 ]    This card also works with harddisks and CD/DVD drives, they just can't get enough power from the IDE Interface itself, so you'll have to use the molex plugs of the A2000.

5 ]    This card can work with Fat95 or Amiga FFS formatted CF cards, each filesystem uses its own bootdisk. (Both bootdisks can be found in the Download Section)

6 ]    The disadvantage of this option is that for exchanging data eg with a PC , the amiga has to be disassembled to get to the Compact Flash, so as a hard disk it is a great solution, if used as intermediate media it is better to to go for option 2 .


Option 2:

Amiga 2000 Internal IDE Interface with the vertical (Upright) IDE connector, only this is now used with an IDE cable and an IDE-2-CF adapter with bracket (Lock plate) that you can place in the back of your amiga 2000.
This option comes standard with +/- 40 CM IDE (See Note A) and power cable so you can use the interface anywhere in your amiga.
That means removing cables if necessary, for the rest it is just like with the other option: just remove the 68000, Amiga 2000 Internal IDE Interface in the 68000 socket and the 68000 on top of that (See note B)
In a standard Amiga 2000 this solution fits without any problems ( See Note C)

Amiga 2000 Internal IDE Interface with IDE cable and externally approachable CF card

Remarks :

A ]   I have not tested with cables longer than 40 CM, several comparable interfaces come with the advice not to go above 40 CM, so I have also adhered to that advice for my own interface.

B ]   Replacing the 68000 is not necessary if you order an IDE interface on which the 68000 is already mounted.

C ] On some models there is a header just next to the 68000, which prevents the IDE interface from being pushed into the 68000 socket, this header can be bent a little to the left so that it just sticks past the IDE interface. (As far as I've been able to find this is a debug interface that was only used at the time of production.

D ]   The IDE extension can in some cases just hit the can, if you want to be sure that you have the maximum range of play you can buy an IDE interface with a soldered 68000, which gives you around 5mm extra space.

E ]    This card also works with harddisks, they just can't get enough power from the IDE Interface itself.

F ]    This card can work with Fat95 or Amiga FFS formatted CF cards, each filesystem uses its own bootdisk. (Both bootdisks can be found in the Download Section)

G ] The    advantage of this option is that for exchanging data, eg with a PC, the Compact Flash card is more easily accessible.


Optie 2 :

IDE Interface with IDE flat cable for
mounting the CF-2-IDE slot adapter.

The supplied lock plate is
installed instead of a blank plate and
ensures that your CF card is
accessible from outside .

The card is easy to access /
change from the outside, without
protruding so far so that the risk of
damage is minimal.

Option 3:

I am currently testing with an adapter that will be placed in the CPU slot of the Amiga 2000 where the IDE Interface will be placed, this will be described and available in the future.
(If the tests were indeed successful)

Coprocessor IDE Card is now available , as a building block also a 2MB RAM addon can be plugged onto the IDE Card

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