Amiga : Flashfloppy autoswap games for the Amiga

Gotek with Flashfloppy firmware and USB Stick with Autoswap games For Amiga

In the heyday of the Commodore Amiga, many games were released for that platform.
Many of the better games for the amiga came as 2-3-4 disk versions.
That meant if you had 1 drive, you often had to play disk jockey while playing the game.
In the current era with the convenience of Flashfloppy, Gotek and USB, it's not much different.
Unless you do a trick and patch the games so that they load the next disk themselves.
This has already been done for the following games:

  • Beneath a Steel Sky
  • Flashback
  • Gobliiins
  • Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
  • The Secret of Monkey Island
  • Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
  • Mortal Kombat

These Autoswap games can be found on the Google Drive  of Keir, the author of FlashFloppy

The above titles can be downloaded individually or in a comprehensive file (

If you think you can contribute to auto-swapping titles, you will find Keirf's Github here with a lot of information about patching games.

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